बिहार फोर्सेस ऑनलाइन बैठक की कार्यवाही

दिनांक: 01/07/2024 निम्नलिखित बिंदुओं पर चर्चा किए गए: 1.      बिहार फोर्सेस के द्वारा किए गए कार्यों की जानकारी 2.      नेशनल फोर्सेस के द्वारा वार्षिक बैठक में लिए गए निर्णयों पर चर्चा 3.      सभी सदस्यों का सुझाव 4.      नए रणनीति पर चर्चा 5.      धन्यवाद ज्ञापन सर्वप्रथम बिहार फोर्सेस कार्यालय से सभी सदस्यों का स्वागत किया गया उसके बाद सभी सदस्यों ने…

SDIBI Visit to the slums of Patna to meet and interact with women micro-entrepreneurs participating in the “Economic Recovery of Informal Women Workers” program

On 26th July 2024, a team from SIDBI, including the General Manager, conducted an inspection and visit to the slums of Patna to meet and interact with women micro-entrepreneurs participating in the “Economic Recovery of Informal Women Workers” program. This program is run by NIDAN with the support of SIDBI, aiming to empower and support…

Training on Gobardhan Biogas Plant Working Mechanism, Operation & Maintenance (O&M), and Benefits

Date: 27-06-2024 Training Overview: NIDAN conducted a comprehensive training session on the working mechanism, operation & maintenance (O&M), and benefits of the Gobardhan Biogas Plant. The training was aimed at empowering the JEEViKA CLF RGB at Supaul with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage and operate the biogas plant efficiently. # Participants: – JEEViKA…

Training on Gobardhan Biogas Plant

Date: 02-07-2024 Training Overview: NIDAN conducted an in-depth training session on various aspects of the Gobardhan Biogas Plant, focusing on dung collection and arrangements, fermentation process, turnaround time (TAT), and the uses of dung output. The training aimed to equip the participants with comprehensive knowledge of the plant’s working mechanism, operation & maintenance (O&M), and…