Place: Muzafferpur, Bihar
Objective of the Workshop
- To engage the DPU workers, community institutions (SHG institutions, PRI), ICDS functionaries and the local community at large in “branding” of the newly introduced THR products.
- To emphasize and secure the ownership and trust of local community for active participation in the project
- To introduce the recipes developed for THR among the key stakeholders
Participants: Nidan, GAIN, Team BRLPS CLFs & DPU Workers
The flow of interaction was as below:
- Goal of the project- The participants were reminded again about the goal of the project and the enterprise set-up viz are both nutrition and business sustainability. They were encouraged to explain the same in their own words.
- Brand and branding- The participants were introduced to the concept and purpose of brand, branding and brand-name selection. Some examples of brand-names were enumerated to better understanding.
- Tips to select a “brand-name”- The participants were also provided a list of tips for choosing a brand-name. Select key features of choosing a brand name were introduced with examples.
- Proposed new THR recipes- The participants were informed about the key ingredients of the newly proposed THR recipes to develop their understanding of the products to be launched.
- Group Exercise- Five groups each having five participants were formed. The groups were requested to brainstorm among themselves to chose 3-5 good names of the new THR to be launched. Sticky notes and chart papers were provided so that they write down the names to be presented to all.
- Final Names and Key- Words- Each of the participants voted for three best names from shortlisting the final 3 names from the longlisted names that emerged from all the 5 groups, viz.- Amrit Ahar, Poshan Ahar and Pushti Powder.