




Nidan endeavor is to facilitate empowerment of the poor and marginalized sections through appropriate community based and pro-poor participative interventions. We have worked for many segments of informal workers, women and children including street vendors, home based workers, waste pickers, domestic workers, and slum dwellers, agriculture workers and artisans. The key areas of intervention include livelihood, social security, financial inclusion, enterprise building and disaster reduction, besides education and health for the children of informal workers.

NIDAN with Home Based Workers and Artisans 

Nidan work with street vendors ,waste pickers etc are elaborate and quite known .However we have now begun increasing intensity of our work with Home  Based Workers .Home Based worker or artisans work independently and prefer to work at home. There are artisans who work at different levels of a value chain and because of not being in touch with each other middle man plays an important role in connecting each other without any value addition.

With the objective of bringing together home based workers and artisans through collectives and use their collective strength to enhance their livelihood, NIDAN has started a small collective ANGANA, which got registered under societies act in the year 2007. It has also built a client base of institutions for bulk supply thus benefiting   2350 artisans organized in SHGs and Co-operatives in 25 villages across 6 districts of Bihar.

Angana started as a brand name for promotion of products made by home based workers. Very soon it was able to create an image where one can purchase handicrafts at reasonable costs. Angana was thus successful in bringing together a large number of citizens as well as home based workers at one platform. A model emerged which can be summarized as

  • Keeping products of home based workers from membership based organizations of various states so as to attract large number of customers.
  • Purchasing products from home based workers upfront instead of the usual practice of paying to workers after the goods are sold and thus following fair trade practices
  • Depending on local markets while exploring national and international markets

Vision at a glance: 

The Strategy: While Angana has been successful in its small start, we seek to scale up impact to as many more artisans and home based workers as possible. This we will do through a combination of strategies i) participating in smart networks to enable access to much wider market including both national and international market ii) growing organically in more regions iii) capacity building at grass-root level iv) participating in/ developing a certification for artisan products to accelerate growth of this market

Angana seeks to empower women home based workers/artisans by providing them exposure to the market opportunities. This is driven by developing an institution owned collectively by these workers, so that they can collectively act and utilize their skills to understand and tap the growing opportunities in the market.

Global Market Potential: (Few focus points) 

  • While India has ~35 million home based workers estimates, probably only 15,000 have market access
  • In India, 51% of all women workers are home based as against 11% of all male workers who are home based categorized into semi-skilled/ skilled workers(in different crafts)
  • On an average, they make Rs 2000-2500 or Rs. 35 (Piece rate worker); our past experience shows that by providing them with market access, their daily earning can go up to Rs 6000-7000 per day and Rs. 125 and above piece rate depending on design.
  • The arts and handicraft market in India is quite large today, with a healthy growth rate, indicating that on the demand side as well our model has a good potential
  • Total market stands at US$8-10 Bn
  • With increasing trend to purchase goods with cause, there is also a surge of interest towards traditional art and craft.

  • Largely underpenetrated  and growing market: India’s share in total world handicrafts exports is estimated to be less than 2%, despite our strong culture of traditional arts and crafts.


Exports constitute about 60% of the total production of the handicrafts sector, and the remaining 40% is consumed domestically.

 Shop No. 5 Plot No. 30, Hauz Khas Village, Deer Park, Hauz Khas, Delhi, 110016

01141563335, 9334468241

Email: angnacraft@gmail.com