E-Shram Card Registration

Unorganized WORKERS Registration Campaign

A mega awareness campaign was organised named Unorganized Workers Registration Campaign (असंगठित मजदूर पंजीकरण अभियान) where registration for E-Shram Card was carried out at Yarpur Slum, Ambedkar Bhawan, Patna. This program was been organized by NIDAN with support from NSPL team. Workers from the unorganised sector / informal sector i.e. Safai Sathi (Rag Pickers), domestic…


If you are a street vendor or a worker in the unorganized sector please fill the linkयदि आप रेहरी / पटरी वालें हैं या असंगठित मज़दूर हैं तो कृपया यह लिंक भरें Hindi – https://bit.ly/nidan-nasvi-hi English – https://bit.ly/nidan-nasvi

NIDAN COVID- 19 Relief

North East Delhi Riots Relief Work – Nidan

Riots and violent incidents in North East Delhi resulted in the death of more than 50 people and around 253 people were injured.  Violence was reported in the areas of Seelampur, Brahampuri, Jafrabad, Karawal Nagar, Maujpur, Kardampuri, Babarpur, Gokulpuri and Shivpuri.  Several houses, vehicles, shops, places of worship, scrap market and even a petrol pump were vandalised.…

Letter to the Prime Minister – Urgent request to setup a Rs 1,00,000 Crore Covid-19 Crisis Fund for Informal Sector

Letter to the Prime Minister – Urgent request to setup a Rs 1,00,000 Crore Covid-19 Crisis Fund for Informal Sector

To, Date: 25/03/2020 Shri Narendra Modi Honorable Prime Minister Government of India New Delhi Subject: Urgent request to setup a Rs 1,00,000 Caror Covid-19 Crisis Fund for Informal Sector The informal sector is being worst hit by the drastic consequences of the COVID -19 pandemic. The informal sector workers constitute 93 % of the workforce…

NIDAN- The Issues

Support COVID-19 Relief Campaign- NIDAN

Nidan is distressed to see the upcoming economic and social challenges and drastic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the informal sector workers such as Safai Sathis, waste picker workers, domestic workers, daily wage workers, construction workers, street vendors, rickshaw workers, auto rickshaw workers, home based workers etc. These people need immediate help and materials…